37% of Dutch use more Wi-Fi with 4G subscription

from: Telecompaper, Monday 20 March 2017

Over a third (37%) of Dutch people with a 4G subscription say they use Wi-Fi more to get an internet connection than when they only had 3G. About 15 percent say they use Wi-Fi less, the latest study from Telecompaper revealed, based on its Consumer Panel. The number of Dutch using Wi-Fi after stepping over to 4G from 3G has grown over the last few years, from 34 percent in both January and August 2016, and January 2015. The percentage of people that use Wi-Fi less on their smartphone has not changed much, at 46 percent.

The study concludes that mobile internet and Wi-Fi are complementary. The advent of faster mobile internet and bigger data bundles has not so far led to less Wi-Fi use among the Dutch for online services. Earlier this year, a study from Open Signal showed that on a global level, the Dutch use Wi-Fi the most: 68.5 percent of the total time they spend online on their device.

A small majority (51%) of all Dutch people also now use one of the four LTE networks in the country, according to a survey by Telecompaper in January. By comparison, in September 2013, the percentage was only at 2 percent of the Dutch active on a 4G network. About 69 percent of the Dutch say they have a 4G-capable handset, against 54 percent the year before and 14 percent in September 2013.